Friday, May 15, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Advanced LA F451                                                                                   
Note the Change:  This project is due Tuesday 19.  It is worth 50 points.

What does it say? What does it mean? What does it matter?

As you read Fahrenheit 451 look for allusions. 

What you need to do:

1. What does it say? Discover what the allusion is by looking up the word. Be sure you understand what the definition means, both the denotation of the word and the connotation of the word…this may affect Bradbury’s meaning and usage of the allusion.

2.  What does it mean? Based on what you pulled from the box, complete the research:
·         Direct quote:
Find out who said it and when, where, to whom it was said and in what context.
·         Allusion:
Find out the “backstory.” What is it an allusion to? Explain the who, what, when, where, and context of the original source.

3. Be sure to record the source(s) from which you take your information. You must reference a researched source, even if you think you already know the answer. You are required to provide a citation- not doing so is plagiarism!

4. What does it matter? Put it all together…why has Bradbury included this allusion? What is his purpose? How does using this allusion create greater meaning for the reader? What is Bradbury saying by including this allusion?

5. Presentation: Display the quote/allusion and the information you researched and your ideas about Bradbury’s message. Use some kind of technology to do so…Prezi, Powerpoint, etc. Be sure to include the citation in MLA format.

Beginning- unclear information or misinformation; connections are not made
Growing- clear information, but not complete. Explanation needs more detail.
Mastery- clear, solid information. Explanation makes sense; few questions remain
Exceptional- clear, solid, detailed information. Evidence of deep thinking


Message/Bradbury’s purpose



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